Thursday, April 10, 2008

5 Centimeters Per Second

A tale of two people, Tono Takaki and Shinohara Akari, who were close friends but gradually grow farther and farther apart as time moves on. They become separated because of their families yet continue to exchange contact in the form of letters. Yet as time continues to trudge on, their contact with one another begins to cease. Years pass and the rift between them grows ever larger. However, Takaki remembers the times they have shared together, but as life continues to unfold for him, he wonders if he would be given the chance to meet Akari again as the tale embarks on Takaki's realization of the world and people around him.
Tono Takaki and Shinohara Akari are close friends who, upon graduation from elementary school, are parted because of family movement. Their deep feelings for each other keep them in contact, but they worry they may not meet again. Then, one day, Takaki decides to visit Akari.........This is a movie in three parts that follows the thoughts and relationship of 2 young people as they meet and part, both from their point of view and from people around them.

This movie is a collection of three stories; the first episode, “Okasho,” shows the day of their reunion. In the next episode, “Cosmonaut,” the story about Takaki after the reunion takes place from the viewpoint of another person. The last episode, “Byosoku 5 centimeter,” clips out the movements of their thoughts.

Alternative Titles:
Byousoku 5 Centimeter

Genre: Romance, School
File size: 160mb
File type: PSP/MP4, Subbed
uploaded by ashe


Aicha said...

Why is part 1 .exe in format?

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